This is a project from 2012 placed here for archival and portfolio purposes. It has only been updated to the style of the main website for cohesion.

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m = Draw mode select p = Pause/Resume
f = increase speed r = decrease speed
i = zoom in o = zoom out
k = select orbit mode


a = increase line points s = decrease line points
g = toggle show orbit path q = toggle show current settings
w = toggle background redraw

Draw Mode

You can switch between 4 different draw modes by pressing the "m" key on the keyboard.
You can choose from the Arc draw mode, the Line draw mode (which you can also increment using the "a" key and decrement using the "s" key.), the Sprite draw mode, and the Sprite + Spritesheet mode which adds spritesheet animation to Earth and Mars.

Orbit Mode

You can switch between two orbit modes, Circular and Elliptical by pressing the "k" key.


You can pause the Orrery by pressing the "p" key.

Changing Speed

You can change the speed of the planet orbits.
To speed up press the "f" key. To slow down press the "r" key


You can change the zoom level of the window.
To zoom in press the "i" key.To zoom out press the "o" key.

Orbit Path

It's possible to toggle the Orbit path line on and off, to do this press the "g"

Current Settings

It's also possible to toggle on and off the Current Settings text, to do this press the "q" key.

Toggling the Background

You can also toggle on and off the Background redrawing which can result in some interesting visuals.
To do this press the "w" key.